Friday, August 12, 2016

A New Disaster - Cold and Desolate

Setting : Arctic Base

Locations on the base

The base has 12 occupants, and over 40 individual units. All units are labelled on the outside with large black block lettering. The buildings themselves are a garish piss coloured yellow. Units are identified with either an A (residential) or B (non-residential) followed by a three digit numeric signifier.

A-111 Residential 1
A-112 Residential 2
A-113 Residential 3
A-114 Residential 4
A-121 Common area
B-141 Medical
B-142 Medical research
A metal shipping container
*Feel free to add additional units as needed.

Locations off base

Volcanic Sensor Array
The Khlebnikov, a submarine under the ice
The Markham base, abandoned since 1913


Dr. Evan Donaghue (Eric) needs badly to get even with his rival. He has won a Nobel prize, is at least 70 years old, (though he looks to be in his 50s) and is a manipulative old bastard. We assume his secret experiments in B-142 are unsavoury, and something to do with dead bodies. Turns out he's planning to convert humanity in to an alien hive mind. Go figure. He led a group to the Markham base 6 months ago, and most of the team were killed or are presumed dead. Only Donaghue and Shipley were known to survive. The current subject of his puppet-mastering attentions is...

Ken Rhee (Marc) A.K.A Kenskei Rheenovsky, who needs badly to get out of here, because this place is driving him batshit crazy. He's implanting shit into mice at Donaghue's say-so, and is a nervous little dude, though this may be a ruse. He's a Russian spy or something and he stole a bunch of Donaghue's notes. Thanks to Fish he knows about the hive mind now. Early on in the story, he finds a body with...

Marcus "Fish" Jones (Justin), who finds it harder and harder to survive out here without access to unlimited prescription painkillers. He heard some banging inside the Khlebnikov (it was Yuri apparently,) and went back to investigate. He found a dead Russian with a month old medical bracelet. What the fuck? After that, Ken, hidden from view, shot at Marcus on his ATV, causing it to flip. Ken left him to die in the snow. He made it back to base though, where he stole a bunch of morphine to dull the pain. Then Donaghue implanted him and three others with something that made them part of an alien hive mind and got rid of his addiction. He was sent to "get" Ryan Miller, so he could be converted too, but he broke down and ended up telling Ken Rhee about everything. He's an old timer who has taken newcomer.

Dr. Ryan Miller (Makou) under his wing. He's here to get the truth about what the hell is going on here, particularly in medical B-142. He's had a case full of Morphine, but Fish stole it. He has a clandestine arrangement with...

Captain George "Shitpeas" Shipley (Adam); the helicopter pilot. He is carrying a bit of a grudge against his employers on the base, and feels the need to get even. He and Evan are bitter enemies, and after a cash injection in to his bank by Miller's employers, he's agreed to "take care" of his rival (which is fine by him, because he'd probably do that shit for free). Donaghue forced him to leave the Markham research team behind at gunpoint, which might explain why he's so pissed off.

Dr. Molly Patel welcomed Miller to the base. She was present during his interview. She has a British accent. She's about thirty. George is a bit in love with her.

Steve something?  is a researcher. He's fairly new at the base. He's one of Donaghue's hive. George broke his wrist. 

Harmon is one of Donaghue's hive.

Finbar Douglas (presumed dead) was a research assistant to Evan Donaghue. He was left behind at the Markham base 6 months ago.

Maggie Holness (presumed dead) was another research assistant. She was deaf, and was also left behind at the Markham base after carrying Donaghue back to the Bell 212 and returning for Finbar.

Ben VanderTuin was an architect and engineer. He was killed at the Markham base, having been slashed across the back by an unknown assailant. His body was carried back to the helicopter by George Shipley before they left.

There are 7 other people currently living on the base; 5 male and 1 female. They are unnamed and their roles undefined. 


A child's doll
A secret shrine
A butcher knife
A small, ancient statue
A Bell 212 helicopter

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