Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Round 2 - Marcus "Fish" Jones (Justin)

Marcus “Fish” Jones was reeling.  First a bad wipeout on his ATV, then Dr. Donaghue miraculously cured him of his injuries and addiction, and now he’s supposed to… to… convert everyone else?

He felt better than he had in years, no, decades.  He was fit, strong, and he could actually feel his broken arm mending and strengthening.

{It won’t be long now, Marcus.  In another few minutes you’ll be ready to go out there and execute the plan.}

“And what is the plan, Dr.?” Marcus asked aloud. 

{Ah ah ah.}  Donaghue warned as he tapped his index finger against his temple.  {In here, now.  Can’t risk anyone else finding out.}

{So can you read my thoughts, or does this just let us communicate?}  Marcus asked.

{For now it’s just communication, but I hope to develop this into something far more… comprehensive.} replied the Dr.

Marcus shuddered at the thought.  

{Marcus, you were asking about the plan.  Well here it is: we need to get everyone on this base on our side.  I have studied the duty roster and selected the most suitable recruits.  We will convert them one a time.  Every person you recruit will make the task easier, as you will begin working in a pack to recruit more and more subjects.}

Fish felt the plan saturate his mind.  He didn’t want to be part of this, he didn’t want to force unsuspecting people into something so invasive, but he felt compelled.  Marcus’ willpower was already weak from years of giving in to his substance abuse.  He gave in.

{Yes Dr.}  The words left Marcus’ mind unbidden.  He no longer felt in complete control.

Dr. Donaghue nodded, a smile creeping from ear to ear as he began mentally transmitting the detailed instructions directly into Marcus’ brain.        

It took only moments, but Marcus understood who he had to get and how.  On his way out of the lab, he glanced at the statue in the shrine.  It was an ugly, alien thing that seemed to reach out to him.  He felt it’s presence too.  He got the hell out of the lab and got to work.

Hours later:

The lab now boasted three new occupants, each on his own operating table under a clean white sheet with an IV of the special serum administering the drug cocktail in a steady drip.  Dr. Donaghue moved from body to body like a bumblebee, obviously pleased with his results.

Marcus stood in a corner of the lab opposite to the shrine with his head bowed.  He had kidnapped the nightshift while they were sleeping, one at a time.  He choked them unconscious and brought them here.  It was as easy as subduing children, his strength and speed easily overpowering his unsuspecting victims.  What was he doing?  How was he letting this happen?

{This is excellent work, Marcus.  You’re getting stronger and the subjects are responding well to the serum.  Soon you’ll have your own pack and we won’t have to go after the easy ones.  These three are almost ready to join you, but first I have one more target for you to bring me: Ryan Miller.  You’ve developed a friendship with Ryan.  Use it to lure him back here without violence.  By the time you bring him here, these three will join our hive mind and our strength will triple!}

Dejected and guilty, Marcus nodded solemnly.  {I will bring back Ryan Miller.}  It was just easier to go with the flow.  Fish tried to convince himself that the Dr. knew what he was doing.  He tried to rationalize it, justify it.  From the shrine, the alien idol thrummed with subtle vibrations that gave Marcus a horrible feeling way down in the pit of his stomach.  Marcus left the lab quickly.

Away from the Dr., Marcus began to think.  I can’t do this.  YES YOU CAN, AND YOU WILL.  Marcus shook his head.  I need to find a way out of this.  This feels so wrong.  YOU WILL OBEY.  Ryan has been a friend to me, I can’t just trick him like that.  YOU WILL OBEY!

“No I won’t!”  In frustration, he smashed his fist through a wall in the corridor and slumped down.  He wanted to cry but he had no tears.  He wanted to sleep and then wake up from this nightmare, but his body wasn’t tired.  He wanted to inject the morphine he swiped from Miller’s quarters, but the he found absolutely no pleasure in the idea.  He was strong and his body was urging him to move, to complete the task the Dr. had set out for him.  In a desperate act of defiance, Fish sat on the ground in the corridor and hugged his knees to his chest.

Down the hall:

Ken Rhee had been back from the sub for an hour.  He heard through the grapevine that Marcus had made his way back from the crash somehow.  That old man was far more resilient than he gave him credit for.  He would need to talk to him and find out what he knew, and, if necessary, eliminate him some other way.  Ken’s mission could not be compromised at this stage.  Rhee was on his way to his lab station when he heard somebody yell from around a corner.  He cautiously peered down the hall.  Was that Marcus?  Was he sobbing?  Ken thought of 10 ways to quietly kill Marcus on the spot, but decided he’d find out how much Fish knew first.

“Fishy?  You okay?” Ken asked, feigning concern.

Marcus looked up, eyes bloodshot but curiously tearless.  “Ken.”  Marcus croaked.  “Ken, I need help.”

“What is it?  You can tell me.”  Ken purred reassuringly.

Marcus told him EVERYTHING.

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