Monday, August 15, 2016

Round 1 - Ryan Miller (Makou)

The sound of the helicopter blades was deafening, even with the noise cancelling headset on. Ryan Miller had heard that this operation was underfunded but hoped that this was not an indication of the quality of the equipment in the base. Captain Shipley, the crafts sole other occupant, motioned for his attention as he spoke. Ryan had to press his earphones to his head tightly to make it out.
"We'll be there in 15 minutes. If you want to go over anything now's the time, 'cause if you get caught doing anything while on the base you're on your own."

"We're clear Captain, we appreciate your assistance." 

"The only appreciation I care about are the zeroes in my bank account. I'll do my part, and I'll do it well, but I am not getting involved anymore than what I have been paid to do."

Miller was not encouraged by the Captain's attitude but it wasn't unexpected. The people that recruited him for this side mission had deep pockets, but not deep enough to to risk your career or your life. If Miller didn't have a personal stake in what was happening he would have never agreed.
"Noted, and since we're talking about what you've been paid to do..."

Captain Shipley, pointed to the first aid kit at the back of the craft. 
"Take a look in there." 

Miller obliged, removing the kit from its holster and opening it. Instead of gauze and antiseptic two dozen syringes each neatly wrapped in its own plastic casing were inside. 

"That's morphine," Captain Shipley continued, "and before you ask it's all clean and I didn't take it from anyone that would ever miss it. The man that can get you access to what you want is going to be real interested in that."

Miller closed the case again and shoved it into his other belongings. "Anything else?"

"I'll handle Donaghue, as agreed. I recommend you avoid him as much as possible. He's a genius and he's a fucking asshole."

The two men said nothing for the rest of the trip. The old Bell 212 landed smoothly on the helipad as a handful of people came out to greet it. Miller was met by a blast of cold air as he opened to door. Despite the sun shining in the sky it was still bitter cold, something he needed to resign himself to for the next few weeks at least. As Miller hoped out of the aircraft a woman separated herself from the small pack and approached him as the others walked right past him without so much as a glance and started to unload the supplies the helicopter had brought with it. 

The woman smiled warmly at Miller as she approached, 
"Doctor Miller?" she spoke with a faint British accent, Miller nodded stepping forward to shake her extended hand.
"I'm Dr. Molly Patel, we spoke briefly during your interview." 

"Yes I remember, it's nice to finally meet you." 

"Likewise," she replied, "I'll show you to your bunk in the residential structures and then I was hoping to get you acquainted with the medical facilities. I'm afraid you'll need to start as soon as possible if we want to keep our timetables. The sun will set for the last time this year in 14 days and we need to be ready by then."

"Not a problem, I'm eager to start." Miller replied, trying keep his hand steady and his nerves calm. If he was lucky he would be gone before 2 months of darkness set in, but he had never been that lucky.

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