Sunday, July 20, 2014

Chapter 14: Rex

Rex was just sitting at his kitchen table eating some toast when they came for him. 
One minute he was spreading some strawberry jam over his breakfast, the next he had a bag over his head and his hands cuffed behind his back and getting stuffed into the boot a car. He had no idea where he was being taken but the fact that he was still alive had to be a positive sign, right? Rex tried to keep a clear head but deep down he knew that there was no getting out of this. He was being taken to either Silveri or Soong. They probably just wanted a few minutes of face time to gloat before the put his feet in cement and tossed him in the river. Rex had accumulated dirt of both of them, if he just had a few more weeks he was sure he could have crippled both their operations, and that gave him some small solace when he was pulled out of the trunk and ordered to march. They walked him up some steps and sat him in a chair before pulling the bag off from head. The bright light blinded him, and for a few seconds Rex struggled to determine who the blob sitting in front of him was. He was surprised when his vision cleared and it was an old man in his pajamas, and he didn't seem to be in any better a spot that Rex was. The man was staring back at him, clearly trying to figure out who Rex was. He was about to say something when Rex heard the sounds of a large heavy door open behind him and slow heavy footsteps accompanied by the telltale taping of a cane started to close in.
Rex couldn't bring himself to turn his head. The old man's face contorted in confusion as he spoke.

"John? John what's the hell's going on? These men broke into my house and pulled me out of my bed, did you ...?"

"Shut your dirty whore mouth O'Mally!" the voice was deep, and filled with intense sense of betrayal.

The voice's owner walked around to sit in a large comfortable leather chair between the both of them. He took off his black bowler and set it on an end table beside him, then leaned forward on his cane to glare at both men.
"Leave me with them." he said, and for the first time Rex realized there were a half dozen men in the room with them. They all filed out obediently without a word.

Rex was confused. He had been sure either the gangsters or the triad had kidnapped him, it took him a few moments longer to start to put the pieces together. O'Mally was Judge Ryan O'Mally, who had famously dismissed all charges against Flo Silveri a few days ago. As for the other, even though Rex never met the man or had ever really seen him up close, was none other than John F. Hylan, the Mayor of New York who's son had been kidnapped and beaten half to death by the Soongs goons just a few days ago. But if that was true then why was Rex here. He had saved the boy's life! Mayor Hylan just sat there staring at both of them with a look Rex could only describe as cold fire. 
Judge O'Mally tried to speak again, "John what's ..."
He was cut off as the mayor awkwardly half-rose from his seat and swatted the judge with his cane until the Judge fell silent.

Having spent his rage, Mayor Hylan collapsed back into his chair breathing heavily. The Judge had seemingly learned his place and sat in silence. It took a while for the mayor to catch his breath again. He was still red faced when he continued,

"My son... my baby boy is lying in a hospital bed, he'll never walk again. He'll be lucky if he can eat a meal that isn't through a tube" the mayor's voice trailer off as he chocked back a tear.
"Dammit O'Mally he's your Godson and you let those ANIMALS... I gave you people a lot of leeway. I thought when they repealed prohibition everything would settle down. Well it's over, do you hear me! Over! Before the sun goes down every speak-easy, every brothel, everything you bastards have ever owned will be gone. And you two, I have a special private slice of hell saved for the both of you."

"But why" Rex found himself saying before he could think. He had saved the boy, "I helped him, I saved his life."

The Mayor eyes slowly rolled towards Rex. The weight of his gaze was palpable, suddenly Rex was a little boy again shrinking away when his father drew his belt.

"What did you save him for? So he could live his life as a cripple. With nurses bathing him and wiping his ass. What woman will want him? What kind of man could he possibly become? Not only did you stand by while they broke his spine but then you suddenly grew a conscience. Why? I asked you a fucking question boy. Did you want to make sure he suffered longer? Force him to live out his life as a fucking gimp. ANSWER ME!"

Rex was totally speechless, Mayor Hylan didn't wait very long for a response.

"This time next week all your friends will be in prison or under the ground. I'll call in the army if I have to but I am ending this. Let the hippies scream about the Fourth Amendment all they want, I am ending this."

Despite the fear that gripped Rex he couldn't help but feel elated. A crackdown on the Triads and on the mob was exactly what he wanted. It was why he had been turning them against each other and gathering evidence and scheming all this time. Now this man was going to do it all for him, could it be that easy?

Rex felt the smile creep across his face and by the time the laughter starting flowing he just couldn't stop himself. He didn't even care that he was tied up or that the rage was palpable on the Mayor's face. He forgot about plots and back stabs and all his plans and lost himself in the pure joy of success.

"He's gone bloody crazy" Rex didn't know who said it, but he was too happy for it to matter.

"Do it, burn them all, I can help you. I have everything you need, names, aliases, addresses, everything you need to track them down. That's all I every wanted."

Rex sat in the room that had been provided to him. It was comfortable, with a bed a comfortable chair and a library in case he got bored. The curtains almost completely hid the metal bars over the windows so it was easy to forget that this room was in fact a cell. The fact that such a room existed at all in the mayor's estate didn't escape his notice but question of 'why' didn't seem all that important right now. Rex had spent the first few hours of his incarneration sleeping like a baby he felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It amazed him, by now the police would have collected all his financial notes, his Rolodex and photographs and everything they needed to find all the mobsters Rex had been working with. Mayor Hylan still mistrusted him greatly, and it seemed he still resented him for what happened to his boy, but he seemed willing to take his help at least. Most people who were being held in custody would be a bundle of nerves, but compared to his life the last few years this actually seemed quite peaceful. There was no clock in the room but the Sun had set and rose again so he figured he'd been in that room for 24 hours when he finally heard the lock turn on his door. When it opened two officers walked and told him to get into the corner while they searched the room. When they were satisfied that Rex hadn't somehow snuck anything in they bellowed out the all clear.
One of the officers sat Rex down in the chair and kept both of his meaty hands on his shoulders as Flo Silveri himself walked into the room with a smile on his face like he'd just won the lottery. Rex felt the color drain from his face. 
"That there, that's the look I live for kid."
Flo lit a fresh cigar and took a few long slow puffs before continuing,
"I told you I had this city in my pocket kid, it was a dump thing to do to try to take me on. I wanted to thank you though. Margery told us you had a bunch of dirt on Soong but we didn't know where you kept it until you told us. Soon enough we'll be the only game in town and it's all thanks to you."

Rex could only manage to stammer, "M... Margery?"

"Don't feel too bad kid." Flo responded, "You ain't the first to fall for the ol'Honey Pot and you won't be the last."

"But the mayor, his son!"

"Is in our custody, thanks to you. Another of Margy's ideas. That dame's quite a catch. It's true what old Hylan said, you should have just let the kid die. You didn't though because you're too soft and that's why you'll always be a nobody."

Rex couldn't process any more. He felt himself to try rise. He wanted to reach out and choke the life out of Silveri but before he could even get to his feet a meaty fist cracked across his jaw sending him smashing to the ground. A few swift kicks to the ribs for good measure and Rex's world faded to black. The last thing he saw was Flo flicking his cigar to the floor.
"See you around kid" and the door slammed shut.

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