Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Failing Frontier 8.2 - Photo Finish *or* Ari and the Goblet of Fire

Grant was on top of his game. He had his security team coordinating with at least 3 other teams. A lot of people were watching. Hei Long had been able to cover up his boss' near miss with an assassin. They had even been able to spin it as a successful field test of their new safety feature, with a celebrity's face to sell it. But the more incidents the harder to spin.
Grant put his focus on his boss, who was sitting just off where he should have near the starting line. He was staring at one of his fellow racers.
"BOSS! Are you good?"

"I'm fine. Head in the game..."

The countdown to the race's start appeared over the track. The sounds of grav-thrusters stirred the crowd into a frenzy and Grant allowed himself to relax just a bit. Once the racers were moving the Displacer safeguards made it almost impossible for someone to get hurt.
"Jubal, get down to the exit gate and I'll meet you there."

From his position just outside the exit gate Grant watched the racers aggressively vie for position. As they approached the finish line his boss was in the lead but he saw Wierczyk had actually hooked himself onto his boss' cycle. The two were were leaning into each other and the extra weight actually made the grav-cycles make slight contact with the ground and shower white sparks behind them.
As they rode over the finish line in tandem it looked like both of them tried to get an extra burst of speed to push themselves over the line to claim first place.

As they tore over the line a short familiar flash stole Grant's attention. The grav-cycles spun off and crashed as their riders were no where to be seen.

"Aw, shit!"

The venue quieted down. Other racers crossed the finish line as normal. The pit crews rushed over the two fallen grav-cycles only to arrive there and scratch their heads uselessly.
The excited cheers of the crowd slowly gave way to confused silence.

"Boss! Oi, BOSS! BOSS!!! Can you hear me?" Grant looked around. Jubal looked just as shocked as him and apparently extremely frustrated. Grant issued a single order, "Fucking find him!"

Jubal rushed off with conviction. As soon as he was gone Grant's shoulders slumped as he sighed audibly.

"I'm so fucking fired."

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