Monday, July 2, 2018

The Failing Frontier 2 - Jane Has a Bad Time

Jane didn’t see the bat but she felt it. She slumped to the pavement with an almighty thud. She woke three hours later with an eye the size of a grapefruit and a cracked rib. Before her beating she was waiting in the alley opposite the Gold Star, the Ruins’s one and only luxury hotel, for that asshole Ari Sarkissian. 

Luckily for Ari one of his entourage had spotted a shady looking cloaked woman waiting in the alley opposite the hotel and called it in. Grant, Ari’s bodyguard, a six foot, English man with a bad temper recognised Jane from his days as a bounty hunter with the Red Hand, put two and two together and decided to pay her a visit with his weapon of choice an iron baseball bat, an antique from the days when they still used to play baseball. 

Full of rage and pain Jane did something she shouldn’t have. She stormed across the road, heart going ten to the dozen, head thumping, she thrust open the doors of the Gold Star, paced to the counter, grabbed the receptionist and pulled him over the counter leaving him in a heap on the floor. Breathing out of her arse, Jane bellowed in to the receptionists face. 
 “Ari Sarkissian, which room? tell me before I do something rash”

The receptionist stuttered 
 “Uh, uh, I-I can’t give out that in, information miss. I’m sorry. No! please don’t!”

Jane leapt over the counter and started shredding through the customer records. There it is she thought. He was in room 207 on the second floor.  

The lift doors opened. The second floor. Jane stood in the lift and calmed her breathing.

 In… out… in… out.

She checked her watch. Her BPM was at 165; which was too high. Anything higher than 185 could've been lethal. Jane had a heart condition which she described as inconvenient, but it would’ve been more aptly described as crushingly debilitating at the best of times and utterly terrifying at the worst. 

She walked down the corridor. She took her time. She was fucking mad but it wasn’t worth her life. 

She arrived at room 207 and knocked. She pulled a curved blade from out of her cloak and clicked the button on the hilt. The blade disappeared leaving only the hilt and a faint heat haze where the blade should have been. 

The door opened and as it did Jane moved quickly and precisely pushing Grant against the wall inside the room using nothing but pure technical skill. A fifth dan in Judo comes in handy when taking on mother-fuckers twice your weight, is what she would have said had you asked her about it. With the blade pressed against his throat she asked.
“Is Ari here? oh and put the bat down, yea?” 

Thud. The bat hit the floor. Grant replied. 
“Na he’s gone petal, you’re too late” 

With that Jane pulled the blade swiftly down, missing all of Grant’s important bits but slicing straight through his knee cap. Jane was cruel but gravity dealt him an even crueler blow; he landed straight on his open knee cap breaking it in to two separate pieces. It must of hurt because he let out an inhuman shriek. 

An unsympathetic Jane said.
“That’s for the face shit house” 

Jane believed Grant when he said Ari wasn’t in the room but she checked anyway. He wasn’t there. So where the fuck was he? She’d probably have to wait for the next race to find out, but the day wasn’t a total disaster: she’d had a tip about where Idiot Eddie was staying and although his bounty wasn’t anywhere near as high as Ari’s, it was still generous.

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