Monday, October 17, 2016

Round 4 - Marcus Jones (Justin)

The transformed Marcus Jones howled in triumph as a detonation from within the nuclear engine ripped a hole in the underbelly of the submarine.  His chitenous form was immediately bathed in radiation.  Water geysered up from a the tear in the submarine’s hull, but the rapidly increasing temperature turned that liquid to steam as quickly as it came in.  The insectile armour plating that made up Marcus’ skin soaked up the radiation, and a curious chemical reaction caused his shell to emit a sickly green glow.


As the pain increased, Marcus shredded his way out of the submarine, rending through pipes, wires and sheets of metal.  From outside, a crack appeared on the black hull and whistled like a titanic teapot as steam screamed through the narrow gap.  Another second later and Marcus Jones was crawling out like some hideous perversion of nature hatching from an onyx egg.


Donaghue saw this unfold from behind a row of alien space marines and held his hands over his ears to block out the deafening wail of venting steam and gasses.  The aliens immediately sank to one knee, their appendages crunching in the snow, as they saw the glowing green monstrosity that was Marcus Jones wriggling from the sub.


{Ready weapons.}  The deep voice of the alien leader said.


The group of alien fighters aimed their weapons at Marcus’ praying mantis-like body, still wiggling out of the submarine.  A series of whirring clicks and beeps came from their weapons as they cycled to ready mode.


{Weapons ready.} The squad of alien warriors responded as one with calm precision.




Marcus Jones was about to screech his victory into the arctic sky when he sensed the aliens.  His cry of achievement turned into a cry of panic as all too late he understood what was about to happen.


A volley of multicoloured lights and plasmic liquids burning with the intensity of a star’s core sailed through the air.  Marcus tried to dodge but two of his four legs were still caught in the gash of the submarine.  The first of the alien ordinance impacted Marcus Jones, superheating every molecule of liquid in his body and causing him to explode like a pumpkin pregnant with a lit stick of dynamite.  The slower projectiles hit a millisecond later, melting the area around where Marcus once stood and reduced it to red hot slag.

Donaghue watched with his mouth agape as the alien warriors rose to their feet to continue their mission.

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