Sunday, October 16, 2016

Round 4 - Evan Donaghue (Eric)

Donaghue was confused. He felt as though he were floating, suspended in a sensory-deprivation chamber. He could sense no light, no sound, no movement... but he could sense the cold. He was very cold and... very alone. His mind drifted for what seemed an eternity, and yet no time at all, lost and aimless. Until suddenly, a thought intruded into his mind.

{Foolish human,} it reprimanded him. {I warned you of the danger posed by Xyctexyct, but you would not listen. And now, it is free.}

{Yes,} Donaghue's mind cried out, {I was a fool! Blinded by curiosity, vanity and...}

{And greed. You wanted power, and so you bent to Xyctexyct's will. And now you and your friends will perish, consumed by Xyctexyct's inexhaustible hunger.}

{No!} Donaghue protested. {There must be something you can do! Something we can still do to stop it! The alcove? The Felcar field? You contained it once, you must be able to contain it again!}

{Perhaps,} the voice conceded.

{No, brother,} came a second, shriller voice. {Why help these primitives? Let Xyctexyct consume their world, it is a fitting fate for their arrogance.}

{It was we who brought Xyctexyct here, however unintentionally,} the deeper voice argued calmly. {It was our duty to guard and contain it until our evacuation. We failed and we too must take responsibility.} 

{Take me with you!} pleaded Donaghue. {I can help! I have an extensive understanding of human technology. I can help you make use of what resources are available.}

{Primitive technology,} sneered the shrill voice.

{But better than nothing!} retorted Donaghue. He heard echoes and murmuring as of several distinct voices conversing, but their words were out of earshot. Finally, the deeper voice could be understood once again.

{Very well, human} it concluded. {We will restore your fragile body. You will follow us to the water vessel where Xyctexyct is heading. You will stay behind us at all times and act only as you are instructed. Do you understand?}

{Yes, perfectly.}

In an instant, Donaghue felt his senses return in a rush. He felt cold, wet snow below him, heard and felt howling wind around him, smelled smoke and charred flesh... and felt searing pain all over. He could not move, not even to scream in pain. He felt a heavy weight lifted off of his chest and could dimly make out a large, shadowy shape bending over him. A moment later, his vision began to clear and he saw the shape was a large, grey, bipedal creature with four arms and an elongated head. It brandished instruments Donaghue could not identify, but as it moved, he felt his pain beginning to fade away. In a few minutes, the pain was gone and the creature stretched up to its full height. Tentatively, Donaghue rose to his feet and looked around in astonishment.

Some distance away, part of the base remained intact, but all around him was debris. He counted enough body parts to make up at least four people, none of which were recognizable. Around the tall alien creature stood several more of its kind, all standing erect and alert. They exuded a sense of calm and professionalism that Donaghue associated with human soldiers.

{Your body has been repaired,} the deep voice announced. {Now we depart, and you follow. With luck, we may yet fulfill our duty... and save your backward little world.}

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