Thursday, September 29, 2016

Round 3 - Ken Rhee (Marc)

The periscope broke the surface of the water for the fifth time this hour, each time in a different location, but always in the same vicinity of the bay near old Markham base.

"Still no sign sir" came the hushed voice of the young Russian officer. Raising one's voice on a submarine trying to remain hidden was grounds for latrine duty, and the fresh recruit wasn't about to make that mistake.

The Colonel in command of the Tchakovsky took the periscope away from the officer and scanned the ice shelf himself. "Keep scanning every 15 minutes. He's bound to show up."

Inside, the Colonel was beginning to worry. *Where are they?*...


Months earlier...

"I do believe you are mistaken, Dr. I know nothing of such a man, this 'Ken Rhee' of yours." The squat yet still imposing figure spoke English with a thick Russian accent.

"Come now, Colonel. You surely remember the young man you sent to spy on me. Or perhaps you will recall his actual name, Kenskei Rheenovsky?"

One of the Colonel's eyebrows rose a quarter of an inch in what could equally be described as surprise and concern.

"What do you want Doctor Donahugh?"

"I want you to know that I know. I want you to know how I know."

"Alright I'll play your game." The Colonel took a long sip of his vodka before continuing. "Supposing I do have an operative working undercover in your lab, which I don't, how do you know about him?"

"I read his mind."

"And you expect me to believe this?"

"How else would I know to contact you? You sent your operative to spy on my work for a reason: you want to steal it for your own. You wouldn't be doing this unless you knew what I was after. Well, I've done it Colonel. I've found what I was looking for, and now you're the first outside of my lab that knows it."

"Why would you tell me this? And why do you still employ this Ken if you are convinced that he is a spy? None of this makes any sense!"

"Very soon, Ken will be sharing my discovery with you. When he does, I want you to come for him in your submarine as you have planned. You won't just be retrieving him though. You will be giving myself and my retinue a sub-oceanic trip to Mother Russia, so that we may continue our work unabated on your soil." Donaghue now took a sip of his own drink, Earl Grey tea, hot, while he let his words sink in. "I can't perform my work in America, Colonel. It just won't fly there. But in Russia, ah but we could do amazing things!"

The Colonel jumped in "I don't understand you Americans. You claim you have found a spy in your midst and not only do you not kill him, but you decide to do his job for him? Yes, I'm sure my superiors would be interested in your work, so why continue this charade. Why keep Ken in your lab, letting him think his cover is safe? I could arange for your transport regardless."

"Ah but Colonel, that wouldn't be any fun. You see, my research is only just scratching the surface of what's possible. You've trained your operative well. He is very mentally resilient. It took a fair bit of effort on my part to learn what I now know about his intentions and your identity. This effort has done more than just inform me, it has also served to sharpen my skills. Ken's mental toughness has made him the perfect whetstone for my newfound abilities, and I will need him going forward. He must continue to keep his mental walls up, so that I may learn to break them down. Do you understand?"

The Colonel sat back in his chair, draining the last of his vodka and setting the glass down on the table, upside down. "I think so, Doctor... So in exchange for giving you asylum and a place to complete your work, you will share all your findings with us?"

"Every last bit, yes. As long as we get to keep the spy game going, until Ken contacts you for extraction. I will ensure that doesn't happen until we are ready."

"I will bring this to my superiors and give you an answer within the week. Check your spam filter for one of those penis enlargement scams. Our answer will be in the fine print."

"Clever, you Russians." Donaghue winked at the Colonel playfully. "I'll look forward to hearing your decision. Good day to you good Colonel!"

"One more thing, Doctor. If we agree to this, it will be on one condition: I want my man back in one piece."

"Not to worry, Colonel! He's no use to me dead!" 


"Sir! We've just detected seismic readings coming from the direction of the American base!"

"Agent Rheenovsky must have detonated the explosive device! Something is wrong. This should never have happened. Get a skiff ready. I'm taking a squad out to the surface. Let's find out what's going on at this base. We will retrieve the good doctor and his work come hell or high water, for Mother Russia!"

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