Monday, September 5, 2016

Round 2 - Ken Rhee (Marc)

Ken needed to get off base, and fast. If what Marcus had told him was true, it was only a matter of time before Donaghue started looking for him to add to his band of mind melded freaks, and that didn't interest him one bit. The last thing he needed now was a pack of mind reading freaks spoiling his cover and his mission.

After Fish had spilled the beans to him, Ken had felt oddly sorry for the man, perhaps in part due to the pain he had caused him earlier. It wasn't anything personal after all, but the mission had to come first. As it turned out, Marcus hadn't seen Ken at all and suspected nothing. And so, against his better judgement, he had offered to help him get off base. Marcus, with what looked to be a herculean mental effort, had accepted and asked what was next.

"First thing's first, we need to waste Donaghue's lab. There's no sense leaving without making sure he can't do to more people what he's done to you." Ken's motives for destroyingthe Doctor's work were far more sinister, but Jones didn't need to know that.

"Right. That makes sense." Jones sounded half sure of himself. "But what about Ryan? If I don't report back to Donaghue with him, he'll just send someone else to get him and I can't let that happen."

Ken looked pensive, and a little annoyed. "Listen, I have to take care of this, now. If you want to go get your buddy then fine, you do that. You know where the SnowCat is out by building M-029?"

"The Garage? Yeah I now it"

"Good. Meet me there in 20 minutes. Don't be late. I won't wait for you if you are."

"Jeez, ok. Ken, you sound different... You sure the Doc didn't give you something when you weren't looking?" Marcus was noticing Ken's sudden confidence, or lack of nervousness.

"Trust me, I'm fine. Now get moving, and if you run into the Doc or any of his cronies, just run."

"Ok. I will Ken. Thanks."

With that, Ken headed for his quarters. Once there, he pulled a medium sized metal case from under his bunk and opened it after entering a 3-digit code on locks. Inside were what seemed to be a bunch of medical research journals and random notebooks. Ken dumped all of these unceremoniously onto his sheets and picked up what was inside. Opening the opaque grey ziplock bag, he pulled out what looked like a brick of clay, except it had a small device pressed into it and the code "PVV-5A" printed on it. "This should do the trick", thought Ken.

He grabbed the explosive device and headed for the medical complex, specifically building B-142. He still didn't have access, but with this puppy he wouldn't need it. The halls were eerily empty as he made his way to the lab, but this may have just been due to the hour. Looking out a small porthole as he rushed through the complex, Ken noted how low the sun was in the sky... soon it would dip below the horizon and the slow crawl toward 24-hour darkness would begin.

Having reached B-141, Ken listened intently at the door, making sure he heard nothing from inside the building. Satisfied, he entered and headed for the door leading to B-142. He opened a small first aid kit next to the door, emptied its contents, pulled the PVV-5A from his parka pocket and stuck it inside. He wasn't worried about the door. This Soviet era plastic explosive would be enough to blow the thing off its hinges and destroy anything on either side in a 30 foot radius, or more. Ken set the timer for 30 minutes, enough time for him to get off base and within safe distance. He also made sure to start an identical timer on his wrist watch. As Ken turned to leave the lab, he saw the rats in their enclosure accross the room. Strangely, he felt bad for them. This place really was fucking him up...

Wtih an extra spring in his step, Ken headed for building M-029. He stepped out of the nearest doorway into the harsh outdoors and made a b-line, crossing the central courtyard of the base instead of working his way through the many corridors and buildings that were the only other alternative. Cresting a small snow drift, he set his eyes on the brown beast that was the SnowCat. It had been just over 5 minuets since he set the charge. In another 5 he'd be driving away, no one the wiser, except for Marcus and maybe Ryan, if they made it.

Reaching the SnowCat, Ken scanned his surroundings. Nothing. Despite his promise to the contrary, Ken decided to give Marcus 1 more minute. A sudden loud machine noise startled him and he looked to it's source. The large garage door to building M-029 was opening, it's frozen hinges and wheels wincing and squeaking madly against the motor struggling to pull it open. From the widening gap under the door came 4 figures, led by one whom Ken recognized immediately.

"Ken, my boy! Where are you headed at such an hour? You still need to assist me with the final stages of my greatest work."

Ken moved slowly away from the SnowCat, inching his had toward the pocket where he still kept his trusty PSS pistol.

"Hello Doctor. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you to complete your work without me. I'm finding myself terribly unsuited to work in this climate."

"My goodness Kenneth, what's come over you? You were such a diligent assistant and so obedient. Why don't you come inside so we can talk about this?"

"Sorry good Doc, but I can't do that." With that, Ken drew his weapon and pointed it directly at Donaghue's head. Nothing happened. "What the f..." was all that Ken could mutter before falling silent, frozen in a firing stance.

"No, I'm sorry Ken. Sorry that you couldn't be a willing part of this glorious work of mine. But you will be a part of it, oh yes. Marcu?"

One of the Doctor's followers came forward holding a large wrench in his right hand. Ken could only move his eyeballs and was able to see old Fish Jones walking toward him, raising the wrench in a two-handed grip as he approached.

"Sorry, Ken. I tried, I really did..."

The wrench came down hard on Ken's temple and the last thing he heard was what he assumed to be the crunch of his own skull before blacking out.

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