Thursday, June 28, 2018

A New Disaster - The Failing Frontier


Adam's character is Edward Wierczyk. He needs to get even with a junk trader. His key item is an octopus puppet. 

He has an old squad mate called Ari Sarkissian, who will belong to Makou. He feels the need to steal anything and everything not riveted down. His key item is a grav-cycle.

They are being tracked by a bounty hunter by the name of Jane Kelly, controlled by Ashley. She needs to save credits for a transplant. Her key item is a futuristic combat blade.

She is a member of the same clan as Eric’s character, Jubal Jenkins, who needs to escape government scrutiny. Their key item is a severed droid head. This person has a best frenemy in my character, Edward Wierczyk.


Hei Long Triad Station
The Ruins of New York

Extra Prompts

A Lost Gold Reserve
A Crusading Senator
The Last Surviving Copy Of Paradise Lost
A Strange Repeating Signal

Round order


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